Research Merits
Research and Educational Merits
- FNR, Core Bilateral: HEXAPIC, 2023, proposal co-authour and 2 WPs leader.
- Best presentation: The 8th International Conference on Computer and Communication Systems (ICCCS 2023) held in Guangzhou, China on April 21-24, 2023.
- FNR, Core Bilateral: Serenity, 2022, proposal co-authour and WP4 leader.
- IVA Research 2 Business 100-list.
- MOOC-HP FEM with 10000+ participants, KTHs largest MOOC.
- Pilot projects at the highest echelon of the aerodynamics industry.
- Pilot project in UAV for autonomous navigation (Jetson GPUs).
- Bicky Chakraborty Entrepreneur Program, 1 of 8 winners, KTH. 6. KTH Innovation Startup (Icarus Digital Math).
- KTH Innovation Brighter Program class of 2019.