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Research Grants

Serenity (FNR call 2022 - granted):

“The SpacE data bRokEriNg optImizaTion sYstem (SERENITY) project aims to propose a novel type of marketplace where space data providers and consumers interact through a data broker that relies on a data lake storage. To this end, the The SERENITY project will develop novel artificial intelligence and data storage approaches that will permit the tackling of objectives like maximising providers' profits, optimising data latency, and minimising total purchase costs for customers."

I was one of the main authors of this grand. I am also now in charge of WP4, which focuses on the HPC and Quantum computing implementations of large datasets for AI/ML.

HEXAPIC (FNR call 2023 - granted):

"Plasma is difficult to characterise and model, meaning specific behaviour is difficult to predict. Since plasma consists of many particles moving in semi-order, the only correct way to describe it is to model almost every particle trajectory. This has been impossible for large systems up until now, but a new era of exascale supercomputers promises a possibility to do so. Models describing individual particle trajectories and their interactions are called kinetic models, and the best way to solve them is by using the particle-in-cell method (PIC). However, the computational task that PIC codes bring is enormous, so until now, we have been limited to simulations of small, short events."

I was the main author of this grand (from Luxembourg's side). Plus, I am now in charge of many work packages here, focusing on the heterogeneous and Quantum computing capabilities of novel plasma physics algorithms.