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OpenMP Offloading: Programming Basics

1. Which directive in OpenMP Offloading specifies that a code block should be executed on a target device like a GPU?

  • A. #pragma omp parallel
  • B. #pragma omp target
  • C. #pragma omp teams
  • D. #pragma omp distribute
Click to reveal the answer Answer: B. `#pragma omp target`

Compilation and Execution

2. When compiling a program with OpenMP Offloading for GPU architecture using the NVIDIA compiler, which flag should be used to specify GPU parallelization?

  • A. -target=multicore
  • B. -mp
  • C. -mp=gpu
  • D. -gpu=cc80
Click to reveal the answer Answer: C. `-mp=gpu`

3. What does the -Minfo=mp,accel flag do during compilation with OpenMP Offloading?

  • A. It enables OpenMP parallelization.
  • B. It provides compiler feedback on OpenMP parallelization and GPU acceleration.
  • C. It compiles the program for multicore CPU architectures only.
  • D. It disables OpenMP Offloading feedback.
Click to reveal the answer Answer: B. It provides compiler feedback on OpenMP parallelization and GPU acceleration.

Practical Application of OpenMP Directives

4. Which directive would you use if you wanted to parallelize a loop specifically for execution on a target device in OpenMP Offloading?

  • A. #pragma omp loop
  • B. #pragma omp target
  • C. #pragma omp target parallel for
  • D. #pragma omp teams
Click to reveal the answer Answer: C. `#pragma omp target parallel for`

5. True or False: The collapse(n) clause in OpenMP Offloading is used to combine multiple nested loops into a single loop for parallel execution on the device.

Click to reveal the answer Answer: True

Understanding Fortran Offloading Syntax

6. In Fortran, which directive would you use to specify that a loop should execute on a target device?

  • A. !$omp teams
  • B. !$omp parallel
  • C. !$omp target
  • D. !$omp end target
Click to reveal the answer Answer: C. `!$omp target`

7. Which of the following statements about OpenMP Offloading in Fortran is correct?

  • A. The syntax and behavior differ significantly from C/C++.
  • B. OpenMP Offloading is only supported in C/C++.
  • C. The syntax is similar to C/C++ with directives like !$omp target.
  • D. Fortran does not support the target directive.
Click to reveal the answer Answer: C. The syntax is similar to C/C++ with directives like `!$omp target`.

Technical Considerations

8. What is the purpose of using the reduction clause in OpenMP Offloading?

  • A. To specify that a loop should be parallelized on the device.
  • B. To handle data mapping between host and device.
  • C. To apply a reduction operation (e.g., sum) across multiple variables in parallel.
  • D. To transfer execution back to the host CPU.
Click to reveal the answer Answer: C. To apply a reduction operation (e.g., sum) across multiple variables in parallel.

9. True or False: The map clause is essential in OpenMP Offloading for specifying how variables are transferred between the host and device.

Click to reveal the answer Answer: True

10. Which of the following is NOT a core benefit of OpenMP Offloading in heterogeneous computing?

  • A. Enabling easy code execution on both CPUs and GPUs.
  • B. Allowing precise control over data transfer between host and device.
  • C. Supporting parallelization only on multicore CPU architectures.
  • D. Providing constructs for team-based parallelism and vectorization.
Click to reveal the answer Answer: C. Supporting parallelization only on multicore CPU architectures.