Dr. Ezhilmathi Krishnasamy is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Parallel Computing and Optimization Group, PCOG, headed by Prof. Pascal Bouvry. Presently, he is coordinating and participating in EuroCC and EUmaster4HPC projects from Luxembourg University. In particular, in EuroCC, he is leading the activities in education and training for NCC Luxembourg, and for the EUmaster4HPC and Master in HPC (Luxembourg), he is coordinating with curriculum design and learning outcomes. Previously he has coordinated the PRACE-6IP project from Luxembourg University. There are eight work packages in PRACE-6IP, in which Luxembourg University is participating in four work packages. The highlights of the contribution are producing research articles about new trends in computer architecture & parallel programming, research, and HPC teaching & training. Apart from these, he participates in research (High Performance Computing) and teaching activities at Luxembourg University.
Before coming to Luxembourg, he has obtained a PhD degree in Computer Science, High Performance Scientific Computing in Applications with Direct Finite Element Simulation. He spent three years at KTH, Sweden and one year in BCAM, Bilbao, for his PhD degree. Furthermore, he has a vast knowledge of education in chemical engineering, energy & environmental engineering and mechanical engineering. He has obtained his master's degree education from Linköping University, Sweden.
Research Interest:¶
- High Performance Computing
- Numerical Methods
- Large scale simulation connected to Artificial Intelligence
- Computational Science (computaional fluid and solid mechnics)
- Quantum Computing
- Prof. Xing Cai, High Performance Computing, Simula, Oslo, Norway
- Prof. Dirk Pleiter, Division of Computational Science And Technology, KTH, Sweden
- doc. dr. Leon Kos, University of Ljubljana (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering), Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Prof. Laura Saavedra, Analysis and Experiments in Fluid Mechanics and Combustion, Madrid, Spain
- Dr. Olivier Keunen, Group Leader, Platform In Vivo Imaging, LIH
- Dr. Sven Harig, Alfred-Wegener-Institut, Germany
- Prof. Johan Hoffman, Numerical Analysis, KTH, Sweden